Saturday, April 12, 2014


Motto of "Free Runners" says Jeetu Sir : "One should have the following virtues for being a free runner: Consistency of a mule, Courage of a Lion and Spirit of a Stallion". I had a lovely Sunday long run and had the privilege of running about 10-11K with this great man who ran like a mirror with me and kept the conversation on to ensure my mind was focussed only on running and not on anything else. This blog is dedicated to him and some tips which I got during this run from him, which I am definitely going to work on. I think these tips are wonderful and would help all runners. So here it goes:-

Running has three basic requirements: Form, Pace, and Breathing. Of these three things, the most important is the "Form" because if the form is not OK, fatigue and muscle breakdown due to imbalance is bound to happen as the body is not aerodynamic and is inefficient. So there has to be a total focus on the form while running: How does one notice whether the form is OK or not? All of us marathon runners feel that we are veterans and have done so many marathons, so our form has got to be OK. That is where we need a mirror to run with us to observe where the form starts to fail and slowly results in total breakdown: "hitting the wall, cramps, pain are all a result of the form breaking down". A good mirror is when you run in the day time with the sun over your head, you can observe your shadow. The most important parts of a runner's body is the hip/ lower back, neck/collarbone, and one should ensure that the neck is not going ahead, back is straight and running position should be as if you are 3/4 getting up from a chair and about to walk with the form of the body as described above. This ensures that the body is slightly bent forward as if you are going to fall and the gravity is helping you to move efficiently. Another good tip: the elbows pumping should be more in the back of the body than in the front, it gives more propulsion.To keep your neck straight , keep looking straight ahead on the road, about 15-20 feet in front of you. As soon as your form is correct, you will feel a distinct feel on your abs/core( same feeling you get when you do planks), that means the core is working now. See the form of the athletes below, back and neck straight, arms pumping backward, slight bending to the front, this is really a perfect form:-

Breathing is an extremely vital component which works along with the form. So how should a runner breathe? Every runner should practice "diaphragm breathing" i.e, long sustained breaths with deep exhalations. Each time you exhale deeply from the mouth, the stomach/abs should crunch inwards, its almost like an "abs" exercise. The correct breathing style can be demonstrated by closing the nostrils and breathing through the mouth. As you inhale the stomach inflates and as you exhale the stomach deflates. Chest does not move at all, only stomach moves in and out and long sustained breathing continues. Notice the breathing style of a sleeping baby, only the stomach seems to move. If we practice this 24/7, the lungs capacity is bound to increase and will support the form. As soon as the form is correct, you will feel the load shifting from the legs to the core and the correct breathing style will ensure that the core supports the pace achieved in the correct form. Caution: never compromise on the form to increase the pace. Form, if good, will enable you to increase the pace without much stress on muscles. While running the mind should be focussed on the form and the breathing, especially after 18 K when the mind starts playing games. If you focus on the form, you will suddenly find the muscles of legs/ shoulders etc. easing out and running becomes effortless. Continue to run with the correct form and with consistent practice, the pace is bound to increase. Some runners are blessed and naturally get the correct posture, but all runners are also capable of achieving the best form and this will change the body shape and will ensure maximum efficiency in the day to day activities, because the breathing style will ensure strengthening of the core. Yes, for attaining this from, strengthening of the glutes, lower back and mid back is necessary, which needs to be done in the gym on the non-running days.
I ran about 20K today along with Jeetu Sir and he kept telling me whenever I used to break my form, and I can feel the difference, the normal soreness of the quads/hamstrings is absent. I realised that my form was not OK and will work on it consistently to get the best form and enjoy my running even more.

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